BASED ON THE HIT ANIME FILM! An unexplained series of suicides among skill users sends the Armed Detective Agency on a search for a man who may be connected. But when the same phenomenon descends upon Yokohama, they’ll have to fight for their live...
Hunted through the foggy streets of Yokohama by Demon Snow and Beast Beneath the Moonlight, Atsushi and Kyouka form an uneasy alliance with Akutagawa, who is himself pursued by Rashomon. If they want to defeat the culprit and save the city, they’ll...
A BOY WILL ALWAYS BARE HIS TIGER CLAWS TO LIVE!!! Although Atsushi defeated Beast Beneath the Moonlight, his skill fails to return, and he has no choice but to turn to forgotten memories in search of an answer. What happened in the Dragon’s Head C...
SHOW ME THAT SPARK JUST ONE MORE TIME…! High above the streets of Yokohama, Chuuya unleashes his full power to face off against Shibusawa, now transformed into a dragon. With Shibusawa’s deadly fog spreading out of control and a potential apocal...