Crafting a story rooted in his admiration of Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, and Dr. Seuss, Grimly presents more than 40 pieces of richly detailed artwork that accompanies a story about a down-and-out yet optimistic lad, a mad hare, a knight, and a mud...
Gris Grimly's Frankenstein is a twisted, fresh, and utterly original full-length, full-color graphic-novel adaptation of Mary Shelley's original text, brought to life by acclaimed illustrator Gris Grimly. This is the first fully illustrated versio...
This entertaining collection unveils eight all-new, fiendishly illustrated cautionary tales exploring the dark underbelly of childhood. Childhood standards, including Little Jack Horner, Solomon Grundy and Three Blind Mice, are retold as dark and sin...
Gris Grimly presents a third collection of reimagined classic children's rhymes combining macabre humor with masterful illustrations. Be prepared to view Wee Willie Winkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Crooked Man, Mary and her little lamb, and Little Boy Bl...
Celebrated creator Gris Grimly, widely known for his gothic style illustrations, turns over a new creative leaf in his glorious interpretation of this beloved preschool anthem. Inspired by his son's love for Old MacDonald and his own family's farming...