John Wheelwright moves to an island in Boston harbor in order to avoid the evils of twentieth century life, but his peaceful life is soon disrupted by King Philip, a Harvard-educated Indian who claims the island as his own...
John Venner, a thirty-five-year-old doctor of divinity at a small New England college near one of America's last Shaker outposts, becomes obssessed with a shapely Shaker virgin and battles the conflicting emotions brought on by the yearnings of the f...
It’s the hair-raising countdown to a new millennium, and Cosmo Dust watches in dismay as the wreckage of his life comes into garish focus in the glow of post-Sinatra Las Vegas. Surrounded by the simulacra of Western civilization, Cosmo finds himsel...
From Simon & Schuster, The Divine Comedy of John Venner is Gregory Blake Smith's unforgettable novel.John Venner, a thirty-five-year-old doctor of divinity at a small New England college near one of America's last Shaker outposts, becomes obsessed wi...
These stories take place in the space where the rational and irrational intersect the space governed by The Law of Miracles. Writing with a remarkable range of invention, Gregory Blake Smith has created a world in which his characters navigate betwee...
Five eras and a spellbinding cast of characters intersect in Newport, R.I., weaving a tapestry of ambition and desire, and charting a voyage into the maze of the human heart from past to present. A reckless wager between a tennis pro with a fading...