Alternating between fictional narrative and brief essays, this humorous novel focuses on the failing romance of two worldly, contemporary Americans who stumble on a clue indicating they may have lived once before...
Carter Morris is a high-priced corporate lawyer, negotiating the class-action suit of a lifetime which will result in a massive settlement. As he ponders his sellout, he relives significant moments of his youth, literally. From air raid drills to his...
Tom Perrotta meets David Brooks in a powerful modern parable about one American family's fall from grace during the recession Margo and Tom Helot have the perfect life. He works in finance; she's an enterprising stay-at-home mom. They inhabit a ...
"Fascinating, elegant . . . Easterbrook] invests the timeless question of life's meaning with distinctly contemporary pertinence."--George Will, Newsweek
Yes, says Gregg Easterbrook in this provocative and probing new book. In the tradition of Jac...