Water for Elephants meets The Night Circus in The Magician's Lie, a debut novel in which the country's most notorious female illusionist stands accused of her husband's murder - and she has only one night to convince a small-town policeman of her inn...
Inspired by the real story of investigator Kate Warne, this spirited novel follows the detective's rise during one of the nation's times of crisis, bringing to life a fiercely independent woman whose forgotten triumphs helped sway the fate of the cou...
A dozen women join a secret 1850s Arctic expedition -- and a sensational murder trial unfolds when some of them don't come back.Eccentric Lady Jane Franklin makes an outlandish offer to adventurer Virginia Reeve: take a dozen women, trek into the Arc...
"A whirlwind…A truly wonderful read." -- Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The SpectacularLove, loss, scandal, and specters haunt this fictional tell-all narrated by the real Gilded Age heiress Aimee Crocker.Aimee Crocker is no str...