The timid Kermie Pan resides in the magical realm of Neverswamp, where the pushy fairy Piggytink tries to toughen him up! One night, while searching for his shadow, Kermie Pan and Piggytink encounter the Darling children, who run away to Neverswamp a...
High school equals: bad cafeteria food, bullies, gym class and...people with secret super powers? As if!! Janet Van Dyne's no stranger to the pitfalls of teenage living, but it's about to get a whole lot trickier now that she has powers of her own. I...
"What goes down when the capes come off?Meet the ""Real Housewives"" of Earth''s greatest super-team, the Meta Legion! It''s the egos, the tantrums, and the betrayals of the super set. Find out what happens behind the masks as superhero families are ...
The fan-favorite phenomenon returns with new stories of sex, lies, and...superpowers! Meet the Meta Legion, the world’s foremost faction of crime-fighting capes. But what happens when the masks come off and the heroes are faced with the sordid prob...
Meet the "Real Housewives" of Earth's greatest super-team, the Meta Legion! It's the egos, the tantrums, and the betrayals of the super set. Find out what happens behind the masks as superhero families are faced with the sordid problems of everyday l...
It’s summertime in SUPURBIA! The next chapter of the fan-favorite phenomenon starts here, with more sex, lies, and capes -- find out what happens when the masks come off and heroes are faced with the sordid problems of everyday life in the suburbs....
The Galactic Protection Systems Expo has ended in tragedy, leaving the Meta Legion in tatters. With Helen and Gio captured by evil forces and Sovereign gone AWOL, the remaining heroes band together to confront Hector Hunt in his magic realm -- but wi...