Largely unknown in the West, Grace James’s delightful collection of traditional Japanese fairy tales surprises, charms and amuses. Enter the magical world of evil boggarts, ghostly flutes, the original Three Wise Monkeys, and a tea-kettle that tran...
In this entrancing collection, author Grace James brings together an array of Japanese folk tales and fairy tales, all rendered in exquisitely lyrical language. If you're fascinated by the folk traditions of different world cultures, be sure to add T...
Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales is a collection of 38 "tales and legends" from the Land of the Rising Sun, published in 1912. Grace James diligently gathered these beautiful stories from various sources, including the Ko-ji-ki, which is t...
Long ago, as I’ve heard tell, there dwelt at the temple of Morinji, in the Province of Kotsuke, a holy priest. Now there were three things about this reverend man. First, he was wrapped up in meditations and observances and forms and doctrines. He ...
Amy Scott is a rock music fan through and through, so when she meets Connor Maxwell, the drummer of struggling rock band Sons of Sinners, she thinks she's found her ideal man. He’s the perfect mix of sexy, funny and cool â€" with a side of ‘bad ...
These tales and legends have been collected from many sources. Some of them have been selected from the Ko-ji-ki, or Record of Ancient Matters, which contains the mythology of Japan. Many are told from memory, being relics of childish days, originall...