The intricately interwoven lives of four women--Jessica, Jane, Garnet, and Billie Mae--and their dreams, romances, tragedies, and triumphs are chronicled over the course of one year in a series of vignettes, reminiscences, and characters' revelations...
The intensely erotic diary of a beautiful young heiress, Starr Faithfull, whose battered body washes up on a New York beach, recreates the illicit affair between a child and her cousin, a prominent Boston politician, in a story based on a real-life c...
An elegant, witty, frank, touching, and deeply personal account of the loves both great and fleeting in the life of one of America's most celebrated and fabled women. Born to great wealth yet kept a virtual prisoner by the custody battle that raged ...
Penned by the multitalented Gloria Vanderbilt herself, this collection features stories that are touching, surprising, and told in a beautifully calibrated prose. The tales seize upon brief moments that are resonant with the random static of everyday...
Ten writers from across Canada are featured in this volume that presents the first year of the Vanderbilt/Exile Short Fiction Award in a curatedshort-story collection. Contemporary storytellers honored with the prize in 2011 include Frank Wescott ...
Celebrating the diversity of Canadian short fiction, 12writers are featured in this volume of the short list and winners of the 2012 Vanderbilt/Exile Short Fiction Award. The curatedshort-story collection includes writing bycontemporary storytelle...
The best of today's Canadian short fiction is showcased in this third volume of the Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology series, which features the 12 stories short-listed -- among them the three winners -- for the 2013 $15,000 Vanderbilt/Exile S...
The annual $15,000 Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction competition is open to all Canadian writers, with two prizes awarded: $10,000 for the best story by an emerging writer, and $5,000 for the best story by a writer at any point of her/his career. The CV...
Gloria Vanderbilt is the author of four memoirs, three novels, a collection of stories, and a joint memoir with son Anderson Cooper which coincided with the HBO documentary on their lives....
The author traces her rollercoaster journey in search of her emotional center, recapturing past scenes and feelings from various parts of her life, beginning with her marriage, at seventeen, to a smalltime Hollywood playboy...