From one of top after-school programs in the nation, Girls Write Now, comes the next installment in the organization’s award-winning anthology series: a stunning collection of poetry and prose written by young women and their mentors in exploration...
The Girls Write Now anthology series has received the Outstanding Book of the Year Award and Independent Voice Award from the Independent Publisher Book Awards; has earned honors from the International Book Awards, The New York Book Festival, th...
For nearly twenty years, Girls Write Now has been mentoring the next generation of women writers, and now comes the next installment in the organization's award-winning anthology series: a stunning collection of poetry and prose written by young...
"Writing is a powerful act that lets the writer articulate her thoughts and feelings directly, fluently, openly, and originally; and in doing so, the writer forges a connection with that other important half of the equation: the reader. These young w...
A writing companion, inspirational guide to the craft, and anthology featuring interactive multi-genre work from the acclaimed organization on its twenty-fifth anniversary.We all have stories to tell, but not everyone gets the mentoring and training ...