A series of costumed crime fighters in the tradition of the great Pulp heroes of the 1930s, with characters like The Shadow and Doc Savage appearing in magazine form. These are all new stories that originally appeared in a small press magazine titled...
A series of costumed crime fighters in the tradition of the great pulp heroes of the 1930s, with new characters like The Scarecrow, The Black Ghost, The Grey Monk, and others. These are all new stories that originally appeared in small press magazine...
Reminiscent of The Giver, this literary debut middle-grade fantasy is beautifully written and stunningly creative.
"A deep dive into a world-within-a-world, a heart-within-a-heart." --Kathi Appelt, Newbery Honor winner and National...
Perfect for fans of Adam Gidwitz's The Inquisitor's Tale, this lyrical middle-grade fantasy follows two children from opposite circumstances as their fates cross and change both their lives forever.
Ever since her mother's deat...