Kirsty d’Arc is enjoying life, until someone she trusts hijacks her soul in this first installment of The Reluctant Reaper series. To escape Hell’s inferno and gain revenge, Kirsty must partner with the very Reaper who scythed her -- the hunky de...
Kirsty’s afterlife gets even more Hellish in this second installment of The Reluctant Reaper series when her soul-stealing ex-boss targets her beloved aunt. Her only chance to stop him? Becoming a Reaper herself. Fortunately, her hunky new boyfrien...
In the third hilarious installment of The Reluctant Reaper series, Kirsty d’Arc’s first Reaper mission gets personal when her evil ex-boss escapes from Hell and physically possesses Shannon, Kirsty’s BFF. To reunite rightful body and soul, Kirs...
Meet Dolly Maitland. She's a sister, a granddaughter, a waitress… and a mystic matchmaker? It's just a regular talent, right? There's nothing supernatural about being able to envision someone's true love just by touching them. Ah, Dolly, thy n...