The Goat Woman of Largo Bay begins the detective series featuring Shad, a bartender in a fishing village in Jamaica, who is the community problem solver and right hand of Eric, an American who owns the bar and a hotel left in ruins by a hurricane. ...
PICTURESQUE AND IMPOVERISHED Largo Bay is the background for this explosive novel about love and fear, the second in Gillian Royes’s mystery series featuring Shad, a Jamaican bartender-detective. With the arrival of Joseph, estranged son of Eric, t...
Set in a sun-kissed Caribbean paradise, this third book in the Shad detective series explores a love triangle gone wrong -- and how class divisions create a perfect storm of trouble. Sarah, a talented but shy artist from England, arrives at the pe...
Shad Myers, the loveable bartender and town sleuth of Largo Bay, hunts down clues to a woman’s mysterious disappearance in this fourth riveting novel in the Shad detective series. Shannon, a photojournalist on assignment for a Canadian magazine,...