The wisecracking web-slinger Spider-Man teams up with the biggest stars of the Marvel Universe in these classic adventures, including the Incredible Hulk, the Uncanny X-Men, Ghost Rider, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers!...
Test pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to represent an intergalactic police force by the oldest beings in existence, the Guardians of the Universe. Armed with a specially crafted power ring that turns his will into reality, he now protects the Earth and th...
SC, TPB, in cello, New, Written by Jan Strnad. Art by Gil Kane, Pat Broderick, and Dennis Janke. Cover by Gil Kane. Published in September of 2007. Softcover, 232 pages, full color. Cover price $19.99....
A new series begins, collecting the complete adventures of Green Lantern from his earliest appearances in the late 1950s in chronological order. The adventures begin with the origin of Earth's Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, as he inherits the power rin...
Gil Kane, one of the most influential and dynamic artists in comics, made his name with his 1960s work on GREEN LANTERN and THE ATOM. After working at Marvel Comics in the 1970s on titles including The Amazing Spider-Man, Conan and more, Kaneshifted ...
This must-have volume features some of the most historically important stories ever produced with Marvel’s famed wall-crawler, all meticulously scanned from the original artwork!Gil Kane’s The Amazing Spider-Man Artisan Edition presents e...