Join Wollfen and his group of adventurers as they find themselves caught in the middle of a foreign invasion by an unknown country laying waste to their beloved lands. Each of them are tested to their limits by not only the enemy but also orcs and el...
Join Wollfen in this fantasy drama as he journeys through the mountains on a quest to save the Nightclans from the orcs. The Nightclans are a proud warrior race with their own rich culture eking out a living in the harsh wilds of the mountains to the...
Wollfen has heard the call; prepare, your time has come. The Kingdom faces its greatest danger yet. Can he find those with just the right qualities to excell in the face of overwhelming odds? He can only hope so, this latest challenge to build and tr...
In book two, the war heats up in earnest and Wollfen finally gets to meet the Queen of the Sorcs. What will be the outcome? Will Wollfen continue his fight against the power of the Sorcs? Time will tell. As for the Kingdom, it will be sorely tested a...
In the final installment of the Angel's Blood trilogy, Wollfen is pushed to the edge of despair and the war continues to go badly for the Kingdom. Now it becomes a struggle of desperation to not only save the Kingdom, but also set his mentor free. C...
Join Wollfen and his friends on a quest to save the Kingdom from an unknown enemy as he faces trails and tribulations. Who are the enemy? Why does Wollfen feel the need to travel to their lands alone? Can he overcome the grand power of the Sorc cliqu...
In the sequel to "Angel's Blood" the Isogorrean war is over, but a new war begins. The Orcs are rising and Wollfen is tested to his limits as he battles to once again save the Kingdom. With Darkling and Nightwing by his side, can he also deal with th...
In part two, Wollfen and his allies are put to the test as the most formidable armies ever to walk the lands clash in an almighty struggle for victory. In the meantime, the Kingdom is plunged into civil war by opportunists taking advantage of the sit...
In this final installment, we see Wollfen take on the might of the Elven nation. What does he plan to do to them? Is it revenge? Or maybe something more? Eventually, those questions are answered and when they are, the consequences cost him and his fr...