Author Information
Gerald Murnane's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    13 Books
  • First Book:
    August 1987
  • Latest Book:
    September 2019
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Book List in Order: 13 titles

  • This collection includes stories of a man who resolves to tell the truth about himself to an audience of women, and another man who searches in the hills around Melbourne for a landscape and a woman that no artist can paint...

  • Fiction. Born in Melbourne, Austrailia, in 1939, Gerald Murnane recently retired as the senior lecturer in fiction writing at Deakin University with a reputation as one of the finest writers in his country. He is the author of seven highly praised bo...

  • Tamarisk Row is Gerald Murnane's first novel, and in many respects his masterpiece, an unsparing evocation of a Catholic childhood in a Victorian country town in the late 1940s.Clement Killeaton transforms his father's obsession with gambling, his mo...

  • Published in Australia in 2009, Barley Patch was Murnane's first book in fourteen years, written after a period in which he had thought he would never write fiction again. The book begins with the question, Must I write? What follows is both a chroni...

  • Inland is a compact story or group of stories, each nested within another, nonetheless opening onto a seemingly endless fractal geography, where the interior of Australia, the Midwestern prairie, and the Hungarian Alfold merge, imitate, and enfold on...

  • This new work by Gerald Murnane is a fictionalized autobiography told in thirty sections, each of which begins with the memory of a book that has left an image on the writer's mind. The titles aren't given but the reader follows the clues, recalling ...

  • Adrian Sherd is a teenage boy in Melbourne of the 1950s, the last years before television and the family car changed suburbia forever. Earnest and isolated, tormented by his hormones and his religious devotion, Adrian dreams of elaborate orgies with ...

  • Landscape with Landscape is Gerald Murnane's fourth book, after The Plains, and his first collection of short fiction. When it was first published, thirty years ago, it was cruelly reviewed. 'I feel sorry for my fourth-eldest, which of all my book-ch...

  • A bittersweet farewell to the world and the word by the Australian master “The mind is a place best viewed from borderlands...” BORDER DISTRICTS, purportedly the Australian master Gerald Murnane’s final work of fiction, is a hypnotic, pre...

  • Definitive collection of the short fiction of an Australian master-storyteller who is in a league of his own. Released simultaneously with Farrar Straus Giroux’s editions ofBorder DistrictsandCollected Short Fictionin New York, an event which is...

  • Stories from a mind-bending Australian master, “a genius on the level of Beckett” (Teju Cole) Never before available to readers in this hemisphere, these stories―originally published from 1985 to 2012―offer an irresistible compendium of th...

  • What he had been searching for was not the perfect religious order but the perfect landscape…From that moment on he was a poet in search of his ideal landscape. Lost to the world for more than four decades, A Season on Earth is the essential lin...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Gerald Murnane has published 13 books.

Gerald Murnane does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, A Season on Earth, was published in September 2019.

The first book by Gerald Murnane, Landscape with La, was published in August 1987.

No. Gerald Murnane does not write books in series.