The first installment in the San Angeles trilogy, a thrilling near-future cyberpunk sci-fi series Kris Ballard is a motorcycle courier. A nobody. Level 2 trash in a multi-level city that stretches from San Francisco to the Mexican border -- a land...
Kris Merrill was a survivor. She’d lost her parents as a young girl, and she’d been forced to flee the dubious shelter of her aunt’s home at thirteen to escape the unwanted attentions of her uncle. She’d lived on the streets of San Angeles, f...
This first book of a new sci-fi series introduces an alternate earth where powerful Threads have the power to alter reality as we know it.Pulled from his world by an experiment gone wrong, Darwin Lloyd is one of the few that can see the Threads -- qu...
This second book of a groundbreaking sci-fi series introduces an alternate earth where powerful Threads can alter reality as we know it. After almost a year, the gate between worlds has opened again, and through it Darwin Lloyd hears the anguished...
The third and final book of the Quantum Empirica sci-fi series explores an alternate earth where powerful Threads have the power to alter reality as we know it.Scarred and disfigured, Darwin Lloyd travels the country with Teresa, trying to find a lif...