Barely escaping death from a Visitor ambush, resistance warrior Rick Hurley is rescued by Sheryl Lee Darcy and a band of Texas freedom fighters carrying vital drugs to the sick and wounded of their native state -- where the red dust toxin, once fatal...
Hunting down the Comanche raiders who killed his infant daughter and kidnapped his remaining family members, Nate Wagoner journeys through a hostile land where he obtains the name, "Walks Without a Soul." Reprint. AB. LJ. ...
Clay Thorton’s world was shattered when Coyote Man, a Kiowa brave adopted by the Apache, attacked his ranch and killed his family. Turning his back on civilization, Clay struck out in solitary pursuit of the merciless slayer. The once kindheart...
Life on the Texas range has always been harsh, but for Clint Wayford it’s becoming impossible. Now sixty-five, the careworn widowed rancher must face the fact that he is no longer able to work his horses or the land the way he once did ... Losi...
Some called him a traitor to his people. Some believed he was leading the Comanche on the only path to survival in the face of the white man's relentless drive westward. He was Quanah Parker, a half-white Comanche outcast who became a warrior, then r...