A bizarre mirror world of stark realitya place where truth and delusion collide. Through a series of devastating events, Michael Seymour wonders if he will ever make it back home. From a tangible world beyond a magical gate a path leads Michael forwa...
For Michael Seymour, his life changed forever when he passed through a magical gate into a fast- changing "other world" far away from his home in New Mexico. Michael is cast into a bizarre mirror world of stark reality...a place where truth and delus...
"This uplifting, other-worldly parable about loss and despair, struggle and success, has much to offer our time of challenges and possibility. George Mendoza writes from his heart and his own hard lessons in life." Anne Hillerman, New York Times...
Five years after the events of Journey of the Spirit Man, Michael Seymour finds himself back in the alternate reality from which he had been so eager to escape, but to where he has recently been desperate to return. But the land he discovers upon arr...
Every animal in the forest can have a home they love with the help of Ms. Mouse in this whimsical and educational book about design and architecture.Henrietta is a world-famous architect, and the only mouse in the world who knows what makes a squirre...
Michael's Seymour's fantastical journey through the dream world continues when a mysterious figure reaches across the veil between planes and steals his heart-literally. In a race against time, Michael gives chase to this mad god across the ever-twis...