With his signature laugh-out-loud humor, world-famous comedian George Lopez launches a magical series inspired by his own colorful childhood and Latinx folklore. In this illustrated contemporary fantasy, twelve-year-old Jorge is lonely and resentful ...
In this hilarious follow-up to ChupaCarter, world-famous entertainer George Lopez delivers a spooky tale of mystery, revenge, and friendship starring 12-year-old Jorge and Carter, the fearsome but friendly Chupacabra!Inspired by his own childhood and...
George Lopez does it again in his next laugh-out-loud ChupaCarter adventure! Jorge and his chupacabra chum Carter are hot on the trail of the legendary El Dorado gold . . . but so are some wicked treasure hunters who will stop at nothing to find it!A...
George Lopez strikes fear into the hearts of readers in this ChupaCarter thriller! Jorge and his friends investigate a terrifying apparition from Hispanic legend known for snatching kids off the face of the earth . . . and they could be next!Whe...