This adventure story, based on true events, recounts the tale of Rob, a boy actor. He becomes involved with Barbary, granddaughter of a white witch who is accused of causing the storm that hits one of King Charles' boats resulting in the loss of coun...
Dan's love of acting takes him far from his home in Boston, America, to England, where theatre flourishes. He finds work and meets the lovely Jessica. But in the 18th century, relations between the two countries are not good. Revolution threatens, an...
Set in Imperial Rome at the time of Emperor Hadrian, a teenaged boy travels across the Empire from his home in Britain to seek an audience with the Emperor. Along the way he meets up with the villains who are trying to stop him, a famous charioteer w...
A story set in Ancient Greece. When news reaches Athens that Persian ships are about to invade Greece at Marathon, Philip knows that his uncle and grandmother are in great danger. As his brothers and father are busy preparing for war, he is the only ...
An office worker and an aristocratic young lady become unlikely friends as they work together for women's right to vote. A thrilling story of secret meetings, police oppression and social upheaval, as well as an accurate account of the Suffragett...