Oscar is an adorably naive, googly-eyed kitten, filled with curiosity and wonder about his natural surroundings. In this series, he meets friends who introduce him to key science concepts - the time, light and dark."...
A Start with Science book about moving and rolling.
One day Oscar sees a ball in the grass. "Try pushing it!" says Cricket. Oscar learns that the ball rolls slowly in grass and faster on a path, until it bounces off a tree and changes directio...
From butterflies to ducks, plants to kittens like him, Oscar finds out how living things begin, why they eat, and how they grow.
Oscar is a curious kitten, and at the pond he is full of questions about growing things. Luckily, Frog can help wi...
Two new Start with Science books introduce kids to core science concepts through engaging stories, fresh illustrations, and supplemental activities.When Oscar the kitten finds a tractor in a field and accidentally turns on the windshield wipers, he i...