In a twenty-first-century world where mankind's cancer cure has accidentally halved the human lifespan and where children rule, Milena's obsessive attempts to stage an operatic adaptation of "The Divine Comedy" has worldwide consequences...
A collection of astonishing and inventive works by a groundbreaking author of speculative fiction includes "O Happy Day," "Please Say Hello," "The Unconquered Country," and "A Fall of Angels, or On the Possibility of Life Under Extreme Conditions."...
Tremendously popular on the Internet, 253 is one of the year's most imaginative, unclassifiable books. What it is: A London tube train, with all seats occupied, carries 252 passengers. The driver makes 253. Each one has a secret history, thoughts...
What if you could have sex with anyone in the world?The ultimate fantasy? Or a nightmare of self-discovery? Michael Blasco, a young scientist investigating what happens to the brain during the process of learning, suddenly finds himself on the other ...
Chung Mae is the only connection her small farming village has to culture of a wider world beyond the fields and simple houses of her village. A new communications technology is sweeping the world and promises to connect everyone, everywhere without ...
"[Ryman] has not so much created as revealed a world in which the promise of redemption takes seed even in horror." -- The Boston Globe“Sweeping and beautiful. . . . The complex story tears the veil from a hidden world.” -- The Sunday Times“Ino...
The discovery of forty reels of a lost 1911 movie adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars, impossibly well-made and yet ineluctably old, is…weird. But for the journalist protagonist of "The Film-makers of Mars," that's only the begi...
Winner of the Arthur C. Clarke and John W. Campbell Memorial Awards."An exuberant celebration of excess set in a resource-poor but defiantly energetic twenty-first century." -- The New York Times"A richly absorbing tale -- with a marvelous premise ex...
Geoff Ryman writes about the other and leaves us dissected in the process. His stories are set in recognizable places -- London, Cambodia, tomorrow -- and feature men and women caught in recognizable situations (or technologies) and not sure which wa...
To defeat her enemies she must make them immortal. Only men are allowed into the wells of vision. But Cara's mother defies this edict and is killed, but not before returning with a vision of terrible and wonderful things that are to come... and all b...