A mysterious villain is tripping the poor, innocent students at Dizzie Day Elementary School. They’re tripping; they’re flipping; they’re flying through the air! Worst of all, they’re losing their homework as they fall. The whole town is in...
The all-animal touring concert group Zoola Palooza has come to town. With a motley crew of animals playing a variety of instruments, homographs abound (homographs are words that are spelled the same but sound different and have different meanings). B...
A picture book about homonyms starring a silly cast of animal athletes. What is a homonym? It's a word that has different meanings but is always spelled the same. This informative book, set at a sporting event, includes a BAT who can BAT! A ka...
A picture book about homographs and wordplay starring a hilarious cast of animal musicians. The all-animal music festival Zoola Palooza has come to town. With a motley crew of animals playing a variety of instruments, homographs abound. Homographs...
A high-quality children’s biography that little readers are sure to enjoy. There are themes of hard work, determination, overcoming obstacles, boxing, sports, persistence, and confidence—something Muhammad Ali clearly had plenty of.*In th...