A group of teenagers become lifelong friends at a prestigious academy where they are being trained to pilot starships, but in the beginning none know of the plans being made for them, or to what that will lead them in the end. Upon graduation, only o...
After brilliantly winning the Unnamed War with the help of their friends, Josh and Enía Tellery acquired an instant family without knowing the heartache it would bring, and having no clue of the catastrophic events that would come of that decisi...
Schaz Tellery was an impossible anomaly. He was stuck in a fixed paradox, divided inside because of the reckless scientific experiments of his genius brothers, but there was something more. Within him was a terrifying power he didn’t understand, ev...
Robots were suddenly everywhere. Gell of Sleya was still a boy when they became just another aspect of modern life. The world was changing, and it seemed to coincide with the discovery of a strange entity that appeared one day over a farmer's field. ...
No one thought a numerical algorithm that came from an alien world could cause so much trouble. When Dill and Jommer Dega used it to build an AI, they didn’t know the full scope of what it could do. More than twenty years would pass before the AI t...
The Xasx were the race who dared to challenge the mighty Zhumaan, the aliens who controlled interstellar travel through their unique technology. It was a costly mistake, for when the Zhumaan came to destroy them, nothing was left standing on the grou...
Robots were suddenly everywhere. Gell of Sleya was still just a boy when they became just another aspect of modern life. The world was changing, and it seemed to coincide with the discovery of a strange entity that appeared one day over a farmer̵...
The ways of the Breeworlders were strange, and their planet was a world full of violence. The boy on the starliner never wanted to go there, but he had no choice. To him it was a hopelessly backward dystopia, far from the bright lights and warm comfo...
When Ganneb Gogh got fired from his job at the Ares Port on Selene he didn't know how much it would change his life. That port was where the Greatships stopped to receive product from Helcron for delivery to customers all over the galaxy, and Ganneb ...
A collection of ridiculous stories and humorous fables about the kinds of faults and misconceptions that can waylay the soul. In tales ranging from the supernatural to the mundane, inner life is outwardly manifested and spectacular fails lead to funn...
A country boy's life is changed after running over a stranger in the woods with his borrowed motorcycle. As fantastic things begin to multiply, he comes to realize the injured boy he and his family took in is not who he seemed to be....
Country boy Jake Brody fell head over heels for the girl his alien friend Kalrum brought with him when he returned from his planet. It was the start of a wild summer, and the things that began to happen were even stranger than what happened the previ...
Mike Reed didn't know how much his life would change the night he was abducted from a quiet field outside his small midwestern town. Aliens were trying to kill him, but it wasn't because of anything he had done. It was because of what he was. That ni...
A collection of science fiction stories that highlight discovery. What was unforeseen comes to light for good or for ill, with every new revelation challenging things people thought they knew about the world, and even what they believed about themsel...