THE SEEKERS VERITAS-- Their technological resources destroyed, a colonizing expedition from Earth has been stranded on the world of Methuen for over two hundred years. Their continued survival is largely due to the organization of healers known as...
MINDSTEALERS -- that is what the Gleaners--a mutant strain of humans able to destroy the minds and souls of their fellows--are known as throughout Canderis. It is a reputation that has been only too well-earned by such Gleaners as Seeker Doyce M...
THE WAR IS OVER between the neighboring realms of Canderis and Marchmont. But another and perhaps far deadlier battle still rages on. The discovery that Marchmont is home to the Resonants--men and women gifted with the ability to read and control ...
Once Glynn gives his ultimate performance as an actor in the famous Stanislaus Troupe, his life will be forever changed. He’ll be banned from the stage just because he’s turned fifteen, which in the Stanislaus Troupe means the end of the li...
THE SUNDERLIES -- home to convicts, rebels, and the unwanted refuse of society--or so it has traditionally been. Even now it is a land where, for the law-abiding population, the price of safety is eternal vigilance. For Doyce's and Jenret's sixte...
In Gayle Greeno's highly anticipated return to her most successful and beloved series, a new generation of human Seekers and their catlike ghatti companions journey to a dangerous wilderness-- while in the tunnels beneath Marchmont's Capital a deadly...