Commando elite action figures, toys that mistakenly received an advanced computer chip that enables them to think, continue their mission to seek and destroy a race of introverted monsters, the Gorgonites...
An extraordinary tale of pre-Victorian England, telling the story of the determined young farm boy from Kent who saved Charles Dickens from becoming a factory worker, operated the notorious chess-playing mechanical Turk, took on the London underworld...
It is the winter of 1946, and after years of war, ex-Special Operations Executive agent Duncan Forrester is back at his Oxford college as a junior Ancient History Fellow. But his peace is shattered when a much-disliked Fellow is found dead in the qua...
Fee, fi, fo, fum! What will Jack find at the top of the beanstalk? Find out in this interactive fairy tale, brought to life by 10 exciting sounds to enjoy again and again. Sturdy, shaped pages and colorful pictures make this classic sound book perfec...
Duncan Forrester has travelled to Greece, intent on recovering the ancient Cretan stone he discovered during the war, while part of an SOE mission to kidnap a German commander. But during a visit to Athens he witnesses the poisoning of a Greek poet, ...
It's 1947. As Britain's new Labour government struggles to cope with the break-up of Empire, there's a grisly murder in the British Museum, terrorists target British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and Forrester boards the Queen Mary for a fateful voy...
While working with French Intelligence in Petrograd in 1917, eighteen-year-old Indiana Jones discovers a plot against his Russian friends, some of whom may be massacred by Cossacks because of their political activities. Original....