Fishing with Gubby is the marvelously illustrated, authentic account of one season in the life of a salmon fisherman. Based on actual events, the story is told by award-winning children's illustrator Kim La Fave and former fisherman Gary Kent. Togeth...
Sgt. Rota Normal waited for the round to reach the target. His challenger tank rocked slowly back and forth in slow motion as if it was on a movie screen. The round hit the T80 just under the turret ring sending the turret and its crew flying through...
This follow-up to the bestselling book Fishing with Gubby (Harbour Publishing, 2010) continues the adventures of Gubby, a commercial salmon fisherman, who heads home to his village on the Sunshine Coast at the end of another long season. His beloved ...
Once he was driven to the abandon warehouse did, he phone the stranger of his location. He was told not to enter the building, but to wait and watch. Due to the quick thinking of Sonra realising they had not the stranger at their mercy, things could ...