This 152,000-word novel begins in the Spring of 2010 as two of the world's superpowers plunge into a conflict over the control of a newly discovered deposit of a very rare metal. At the same time, a world-renowned radio astronomer finally comes face-...
For an age, humanity has borrowed from caches of alien technology found in space. Among these artefacts are portals known as Stations, which our spacecraft now use to traverse the galaxy. The ‘Angels’ who created this technology vanished aeons ag...
Live long enough, and this could be your future... It is the late 21st century, and it is a very different world. Meet Kendrick Gallmon, survivor of The Maze, a secret research facility where thousands of political prisoners became unwilling guine...
For a hundred and fifty thousand years, the alien Shoal have been hiding a terrible secret behind a façade of power. In the twenty-fifth century, they dominate the galaxy and control all trade and exploration, possessing the secret of faster-than-li...
The nova war spreads across the galaxy, as the Emissaries wage a fierce and reckless campaign. They’ve already reached human-occupied space and forced the alien Shoal into a desperate retreat. And when Dakota leaves to pursue a lead, Corso’s luck...
But this new mode of transportation comes at a price and there are risks. Saul Dumont knows this better than anyone. He’s still trying to cope with the loss of the wormhole link to the Galileo system, which has stranded him on Earth far from his wi...
MUST HE DIE TO KNOW THE TRUTH? Archivist Luc Gabion is dying, slowly, victim of a forced technology implant while on assignment. He brought down a powerful terrorist, but at great cost, and this new tech brings unexpected dangers. Luc must investigat...
Extinction Game is a riveting, action-packed post-apocalyptic survival story from master of SF, Gary Gibson.When your life is based on lies, how do you hunt down the truth?Jerry Beche should be dead. Instead, he's rescued from a desolate Earth where ...
Survival Game by Gary Gibson is the second book in the gripping apocalyptic duology that began with Extinction Game. Katya is a scientist, working on a classified project for the Russian Empire. She's also desperate. Her bosses want to exploit her kn...
Susan MacDonald is desperate. Unless she makes a breakthrough soon, Ashford, the millionaire businessman financing her project, will shut it down and disband her research team. She knows she's close - that she's on the verge of proving her theory ...
"A final confrontation results in a surprising conclusion. Great story." - SFRevu on Scienceville."A master of core sf" The Guardian.Joel has spent the last five years building maps of an imaginary city to deal with his grief. Or at least he thinks ...
"...a master of core sf" - The Guardian.
Rozalia is a Pathfinder, dedicated to exploring parallel Earths where mankind has been wiped out. As a survivor of one such world, she’s seen every kind of apocalypse possible. All she and her fell...
A prequel to Devil's Road:DEVIL'S ROAD: Broken out of jail by an insane oligarch, Dutch McGuire—getaway driver, carjacker and racing veteran—is tasked with one mission: investigate the mystery at the heart of an island inhabited only by h...