A Steampunk adventure novel set in the fictional city of New Pittsburgh. New Pittsburgh in 1898, a crucible of invention and intrigue, the hub of American industry at the height of its steam-driven power. Born from the ashes of devastating fire, f...
A Steampunk Short Story set in the world of Iron & Blood: A Jake Desmet Adventure.Department of Supernatural Investigation agents Mitch Storm and Jacob Drangosavich are called in to investigate missing corpses, clockwork zombies and a charlatan docto...
A Steampunk novella set in the world of Iron & Blood. The Department of Supernatural Investigation steps in when things go wrong in weird ways. When monsters start prowling the streets of New Pittsburgh, a shady monster hunter charges a fat fee to ex...
A Steampunk Short Story set in the world of Iron & Blood: A Jake Desmet Adventure. Strange lights in the skies over New Pittsburgh are stealing energy. No one knows where the orbs came from or who is controlling them. Department of Supernatural Inves...
A steampunk short story set in the world of Iron & Blood: A Jake Desmet Adventure. New Pittsburgh has seen too much bloodshed and Piotr is determined to make a difference. He doesn’t care if it is the Polish, the Russians, or the Irish, he protects...
A steampunk short story set in the world of Iron & Blood: A Jake Desmet Adventure. When a fellow agent goes missing, Jacob Drangosavich and Mitch Storm of the Department of Supernatural Investigations head to Ruin Creek, a railroad town near a myster...