A Winter’s Tale tells the story of Ingamald, a young woman destined to be a powerful witch in a pre -- industrial world known as Hinterlund. A fearmonger in the person of Morton Winter has bought himself into power and works to control the largely ...
Provocative and irreverent, author Gail Sidonie Sobat breaks historical and conventional boundaries in this imaginative fictionalization of the life of Mary. From staid Joseph of Nazareth to the hip, modern Three Wiseguys, Sobat employs humour and...
Wonders beckon beyond the glass device of the devious Morton Winter! But with such wonders comes great peril, as children disappear. Nevertheless, the intrepid witch Ingamald and the twelve -- fingered girl Yda pass through to the other side, searchi...
BRONZE MEDAL WINNER -  Moonbeam Awards, mature issuesFINALIST - Forest of Reading White Pine AwardFINALIST -Alberta Readers'' Choice awardsIan lives in a suburb where everything''s the same. The houses are the same, the cars are the same, and the...
Jan is a 17 year-old kid in trouble with the law. Al is a feisty old coot. Paired together because Jan must serve community service hours at a seniors residence after pleading guilty to a marijuana possession offense, the two initially resent each ot...
SELECTION - Best Graphic Novels of 2014, Foreword ReviewsSELECTION, Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2014SELECTION, Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2014Jamie Kidding finds a semi-automatic handgun in an inner-city dumpster. An aspiring artist, Jam...