The narrator is haunted by his encounter with a woman he meets while on vacation in Europe. Her quest to uncover her family's pre-Holocaust life leads him to ruminate on the vagueness of his own life, and the fragility of human connections. The sto...
A mysterious web of solitude, love, illness, and loss is seamlessly woven into a captivating historical and personal narrative in this poignant yet concise novel. As three characters move through their increasingly haunting lives, they discover how t...
Two wildly different and wonderfully crafted novels comprise this short collection. In the first story, a young woman returning from the United States must face a maelstrom of imagination, guilt, memory, and desire. Amidst the frenzy of uncertainty t...
Written over a span of 40 years, this collection features the short stories of British writer Gabriel Josipovici. Unique and intriguing, the narratives take place in a variety of settings -- including a seedy London nightclub in the 1960s, a brothel ...
In a house in a quiet street in North London, Helena struggles with her self-appointed task of writing a book about the reclusive American artist Joseph Cornell. At the same time she dreams and thinks about her sister Alice working in an orphanage in...
Gabriel Josipovici’s Cemetery in Barnes is a short, intense novel that opens in elegiac mode, advances quietly towards something dark and disturbing, before ending with an eerie calm. Its three plots, relationships and time-scales are tightly woven...
Partita Fiction and non-fiction are two sides of the same coin. Or are they? Michael Penderecki is in flight. Someone has threatened to kill him. But who is the woman dead in the bathtub? And why does the voice of Yves Montand singing 'Les Feuilles M...