One by one the children of Morgantown fall prey to a mysterious illness, and just as swiftly, the moutain called Thunder Rise casts its shadow over the town, claiming the children's innocence. Reprint. PW. ...
THE WORK OF HUMAN HANDS is a timeless medical journey through pioneering surgeon Dr. Hardy Hendren’s legendary operating room that the Los Angeles Times called “impossible to forget.”Set at Boston Children’s Hospital, which U.S. News & World ...
Best known for his critically acclaimed non-fiction books and documentary films, G. Wayne Miller has been praised for his fiction writing, dating to his first book, Thunder Rise: A Novel of Terror. For several years, he was a regular at fantasy and h...
State senator Ken Callahan is beginning to think his wife, Carol, is on the verge of going crazy. Her insect phobia seems to be intensifying, and it threatens repercussions not just for him and their two young children -- but also his political amb...
Explorations of alienation, madness, the afterlife and post-apocalyptic existence fill this first volume of the collected short stories of G. Wayne Miller. Best-known for his critically acclaimed non-fiction books and documentary films, Miller has be...
Despite carrying the scars of childhood trauma, Mary McAllister has enjoyed a successful career and become the mother of two wonderful children. Then their deadbeat father leaves, her young daughter dies, and she is hospitalized in a psychiatric cent...
What happens when SuperGoodMedia, a ridiculous out-of-town newspaper chain, buys the venerable Boston Daily Tribune, which has published every day since 1823? Heads roll and the few journalists left wonder when it will be their turn. That's protagoni...