Be careful what you wish for in this magical comedy about the pitfalls of rebirth--now with a manga AND anime!
When she turns ten years old, Adele von Ascham is hit with a horrible headache--and memories of her previous life as an eighteen-...
When it comes to reincarnation, most people hope for a better life---except for recent high school graduate, Kurihara Misato. She wants an average life! Unfortunately for her, thanks to God's... interesting interpretation of average, she is reborn as...
Be careful what you wish for in this magical comedy about the pitfalls of rebirthnow a light novel, manga, AND anime series! When it comes to reincarnation, most people hope for a better life–except for recent high school graduate, Kurih...
The newly graduated Crimson Vow are out in the world and determined to prove themselves. Mile, Reina, Pauline, and Mavis look for work as C-rank hunters, but when an exciting yet dangerous job comes along, the girls...
Bound at the Soul
The Crimson Vow have fought fearsome bandits and monsters, but when the past catches up with Mavis and Pauline, they must confront something that swords and spells can’t easily defeat. With the most dangerous job they hav...
Going the Extra Mile!
When the Crimson Vow's newest job brings them up against not just a horde of beastmen but an elder dragon, Mile is forced to fight for her life in earnest, in what will become her greatest struggle yet! Can she dig dee...
Mile left Marcela, Aureana and Monika behind when she fled Eckland Academy, but when a job takes the Crimson Vow back into the Kingdom of Brandel, she can’t pass up the chance to see her old friends. But the Wonder ...
ABOVE AVERAGE Graduation exams at the Hunters’ Prep School are swiftly approaching–but before the girls are ready to prove themselves on the battlefield and graduate, they have to master a few new skills. It’s time to level up and p...
Mitsuha is your average teenage orphan—until one day she falls off a cliff, and finds herself in another world strangely akin to medieval Europe! Beset by wolves, she discovers she has the ability to travel freely between the two worlds, and de...
Taking a break from investigating the Elder Dragons' mysterious activities, the party decides to spend some rare time apart. But when Pauline, Mavis, and Reina go hunting on their own, they quickly discover just how much they rely on Mile! Will Mile'...
THE BIG DEBUT! It’s time for the Crimson Vow’s first job as C-rank hunters! They head out to nab some orcs, but things don’t exactly go according to plan. What will Mavis do when her sword breaks right in two?...
When adorable little beastgirl Faleel is kidnapped by a bunch of religious fanatics intent on summoning an entity with power rivaling the nanomachines, it’s up to the Crimson Vow to save the day. Meanwhile, Mavis's father has decided to arrange...
Kaoru has been reincarnated in another world and receives a cheat ability that allows her to create potions as an apology for her death. After creating a commotion wherever she goes with her powers and calling upon the Goddess Celes to create miracle...
When the creeping tendrils of the massive Albarn Empire threaten Mile's--once Adele's--hometown of Ascham, the Crimson Vow do not hesitate to dash to the aid of the small provincial fief. Armed only with Mavis' chivalry, Pauline's wisdom, and Mile an...
The Crimson Vow's arrogance is nearly their undoing when they run afoul of a horde of unnaturally powerful monsters! As they investigate the creatures' origins, another crisis arises: Mavis, increasingly aware of how outclassed she is by the other me...
Kaoru had been granted cheat powers that allows her to create potions at will. But using her potion powers wherever she goes is hardly inconspicuous. Fernand, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Brancott, who convinced himself that he's bound to Kaoru...
Mavis's solo side-quest is unexpectedly extended when she rescues a maiden from pursuers--only to learn that she's a princess on the run, with a lot of very nasty individuals after her! Meanwhile, there's trouble in the air as an old foe returns to f...
One day, the supervisor in charge of watching over Earth was taking care of a distortion, when they made a mistake that caused Kaoru Nagase to lose her physical body. Not only that, but reincarnating her into a different, less culturally advanced wor...
I’M NEVER LOSING MY FRIENDS AGAIN! Mile and the Crimson Vow have taken on a job protecting a caravan. After Reina goes a bit overboard with an attack spell, she finally reveals the reason behind her intense hatred of bandits. And Mavis gets an ...
After receiving the power to create any potion she wants, Kaoru is sent off to live her new life in a brand new world. Things don’t go exactly as she planned, though, and the truth comes out that she’s friends with the goddess Celestine! Though K...
Kaoru gets reincarnated in another world and receives cheat powers that allow her to create potions. She uses them to help those in need by curing the sick and saving a noblewoman from having her household taken over. Naturally, this catches the atte...
TIME TO SHINE The Wonder Trio debut their adventuring careers with a splash, while the Crimson Vow rescue a mother and child from peril on their journey. When this brings the wrath of a corrupt band of merchants down on the Crimson Vow’s heads...
A hilarious new manga spin-off for Didn''t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!, the hit light novel, manga, and anime!
When it comes to reincarnation, most people hope for a better life--except for recent high school grad...
Thanks to her ability to freely travel between worlds, Mitsuha's business is booming. One day, she witnesses a group of men trying to abduct one of her female customers. Mitsuha stops them with her stun gun, taking the opportunity to deliver a cool l...
As war looms on the horizon, the Crimson Vow accept a mission to infiltrate the neighboring Albarn Empire. Seizing the chance to do business in a new land, Reina and Pauline launch a new venture that quickly gets out of hand. Will the distraction be ...
The Kingdom of Balmore is in trouble. Kaoru goes back to learn more, but she gets dragged into a succession conflict between the princes of Brancott. As the Angel of the Goddess, Kaoru wanted to avoid getting involved in human conflicts, but it's als...
A hilarious new manga spin-off for Didn''t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!, the hit light novel, manga, and anime!
When it comes to reincarnation, most people hope for a better life--except for recent high school grad...
Mile, Pauline, Reina, and Mavis face off against the chief of the elder dragons in a battle that will test the limits of their power. It's up to the Crimson Vow to decide whether war breaks out between dragonkind and humans. But even if the girls eme...
The companion to the light novel series Seven Seas is also publishing! (And don’t miss the spin-off series and the anime!)When it comes to reincarnation, most people hope for a better life–except for recent high school graduate, Kurihara ...
Kaoru begins a new life in a new land with her friend Reiko, who had reincarnated just to be with her. But of course, a peaceful and uneventful life is but a faraway dream, and they end up taking care of some kids who have no one to turn to. Kaoru a...
You love the light novels, manga, spin-off, and get ready for a self-contained novel about Lily!Born deaf, nine-year-old Lily was hidden away from the world by her margrave father. But her life changes forever when the fabled adventuring ...
FOR BEST RESULTS, READ WITH A CAT ON YOUR LAP!There's never a dull moment when Mile and the Crimson Vow are in town! Pauline is ever in search of new ways to earn money, Mavis gets kidnapped by an acting troupe, and the team does a collab with Lenny....
With the mysterious outbreak stopped at its source, Kaoru sighs in relief at the many lives she's saved—but her only reward is a return to a wanderer's rough-and-tumble life...and the smorgasbord of seafood the next city over! Her next business...
The Crimson Vow takes on a job escorting Dr. Clairia back to the elven village to reunite with her family. From there, the girls dig deeper into the secrets shrouding the world's origin as they venture into a neighboring country and run into a fresh ...
ADVENTURES WITH ELVES!The Crimson Vow takes on a job escorting Dr. Clairia back to the elven village to reunite with her family. From there, the girls dig deeper into the secrets shrouding the world’s origin as they venture into a neighboring c...
Kaoru reunites with Reiko and Kyoko, reforming the trio known as KKR for the first time since their previous lives. Her goal is still the same: to save unfortunate children, give them a means to support themselves, and punish evildoers as a defender ...
With yet another adventure behind her, Kaoru sets out to unwind for the day with her staff and their beloved steeds...until she learns of the perfect crime, straight from the horse's mouth! So it goes that the angel must bring a usurper to justice wi...
WATCH THE FUR FLY!The Crimson Vow come face-to-face with yet another group of elder dragons, leaders among their kind, who come bearing an unexpected request. Then it's off to a fluffy paradise: the village of the beastfolk! Even in this fuzzy-ea...
DEMONIC REVELATIONSThe Crimson Vow’s investigation finally leads them to the home of the one race they have yet to make contact with–a village full of demons! There, they meet a being who claims to hold all the secrets they’ve been ...
Having saved the kingdom from invasion, Mitsuha suddenly finds herself elevated to the rank of viscountess. Exploiting her world-jumping ability to the fullest, she’s now busy improving things in her new domain (with a little help from Earth&rs...
THE NEW ONE-STOP SHOP After accidentally being sent to a fantasy realm, Mitsuha has learned that she has the power to transport between the two worlds. With this ability -- and a few others from a mysterious entity -- she sets out to earn enoug...
HAPPY TRAILS!Mile and the Crimson Vow are up to their old tricks—chasing after cats, beastgirls, treasure, and glory—in the final volume of this 4-koma spin-off series. Join this irrepressible group for one last romp as they bring fantasy...
The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha’s General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha’s going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now that she’s been attached to a diploma...
War in Another World! With one success after another, and connections to nobles and royals alike, things are going well for Mitsuha's General Store. That is, until a neighboring kingdom launches a surprise invasion! At first, Mitsuha intends to stay...
TIME TO RUMBLE!As the climactic battle approaches, the Crimson Vow prepares to take on the invaders—but not alone. With the many allies they have made in their travels, including the Wonder Trio and other friends and hunters, by their side, the...
Times may have changed, but not the trio of girls known as KKR! Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko have punished Roderich, the arrogant and corrupt Relinas Trade Company branch manager, and he’s now looking to get back at them -- both overtly and behind the s...
Mitsuha and her hired mercenaries, Wolf Fang, have just about wrapped up their battle against the invading Imperial Army and its monsters, wyverns, and dragons. And what awaits Mitsuha as a reward for her efforts but her very own viscounty! She's now...
Having completed their diplomatic delegation, Mitsuha and the girls finally get to go home…but there’s no time for our heroine to relax! In Japan, she becomes a small business owner and also opens her first store on Earth: an art gal...
A NEW CONTINENT AWAITS!The Crimson Vow saved the world, and raced up the ranks of the aristocracy as their reward. But they’re not about to rest on their laurels—especially when there are still uncharted lands to explore. Even the Wonder ...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!The newly opened gallery café Gold Coin is a huge hit with the locals thanks to the savvy manager and waitress running it.Meanwh...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? A fun twist on the isekai genre with elements of transporting between worlds! With an anime adaptation now on Crunchyroll!Joining forces with the ambitious merchant Lephil...
Times may have changed, but not the trio of girls known as KKR! Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko have punished Roderich, the arrogant and corrupt Relinas Trade Company branch manager, who’s now looking to get back at them—both overtly and behind t...
TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORKAs the Crimson Vow continue their adventures on the new continent, they host a gourmet fish fry, encounter a new mechanical life form...and finally reunite with the Wonder Trio, resulting in a team-up of all seven extraor...
Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko, the trio known as KKR, seek to blend in with the rest of the world and do good behind the scenes, but there’s no way to be inconspicuous for a stray priestess who’s seemingly blessed by the Goddess. Despite her efforts to...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!Just as business in the New World is starting to look stable, Mitsuha learns that something hostile is afoot in the Kingdom of Vanel&he...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!Expanding businesses in the New World, maintaining her home territory… Mitsuha’s been hard at work. But now she’s ab...