Johnny Hiro, a hardworking busboy, lives in Brooklyn with his flighty but lovable girlfriend Mayumi. Every day, he struggles to make ends meet while fighting giant monsters, running over rooftops from crazed waiters, fending off businessmen-turned-sa...
The sequel to Fred Chao's graphic novel, Johnny Hiro: Half-Asian, All Hero!
After a couple of years as an underpaid sushi chef for his incredibly stingy and negative boss, Mr. Masago, Johnny Hiro doubts his abilities to provide his girlfrien...
Alison has built Robot to simply help her have fun, but it''s not so simple. It turns out she has to teach Robot about life, mainly from the point of a 7-year-old girl. Join the cast of Alison, Robot, five penguins and a monkey friend Andrew, an 80''...