After two short weeks under siege, the climactic battle of the Alamo lasted under an hour, but its aftermath spawned a legend. The Alamo: A Cultural History explores the transformation of the fort from its 1718 inception as a Franciscan mission to it...
In a prequel to Knights of the Round Table, a vastly outnumbered Arthur and his knights are sent by the Roman Empire to defeat a bloodthirsty Saxon conqueror and his powerful army, a mission that takes a romantic turn when Arthur, Lancelot, a...
Signs of Life is the third installment in a series of novels intertwined with TV's hit Lost program. Each novel expands the plot of the show by focusing on survivors who are not main characters.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frank Thompson has published 3 books.
Frank Thompson does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Signs of Life, was published in March 2006.
The first book by Frank Thompson, The Alamo, was published in March 2004.
No. Frank Thompson does not write books in series.