Five years after a young psychiatric patient is charged and confined for the murder of a teenage girl, the disappearance of another schoolgirl and the abduction of two homeless girls lead Detective Inspector Jackson to believe that the killer is stil...
Finding temptation in a bewitching woman who is the reputed lover of an accused hit man, gritty Detective Inspector "Jacko" Jackson is disturbed by what he believes is an attempt on the hit man's life as the latter awaits trial....
A queasy Detective-Inspector "Jacko" Jackson is at the post-mortem examination of Penny Browne, who was shot through the head at close range in her country home.Penny was the sister of Russell Browne, a right-wing MP and Home Office minister in charg...
Jackson finds himself in charge of a case in which a doctor, practicing the brutal legacy of his Nazi father, performs ghastly experiments on captive patients throughout Europe, and Jacko must hunt him down before he is able to strike again....
A photographer is blown to bits while staking out a private royal visit. Vernon Summers was no ordinary paparazzo. In his scrapbook is a Gulf War photo which suggests he was about to expose a multi-million pound arms scandal. Detective Inspector 'Jac...
MysteryLarge Print EditionDetective Superintendent Phil Sweeney Todd is fielded as a last minute substitute when a security service agent disappears hunting a renegade ex-spy handler at an international conference in Nottingham. A gun is missing. So ...