Avenging herself on her former lover and protege, Dr. Helen Roth unleashes the energy behind the dream process to psychologically manipulate Paul Stanislaus into committing increasingly violent crimes...
Gasoline Alley started in 1919 as a mild satire on the post-WWI craze for cars. It quickly developed into a quirky, affectionate portrait of family life, attracting more than 30 million readers in over 400 newspapers. Great for cartoon and pop cultur...
In this fourth volume of Walt and Skeezix, the newly married Walt Wallet settles into domestic life with his wife, Phyllis, and their adopted son, Skeezix, but their family bliss is soon disrupted by a man who claims to be Skeezix''s natural father. ...
Dive into this collection of rarely seen material that takes a new look at one of the great masters of American comics, giving insight into a developing artist and greater understanding of his inspiration to the generations that followed.Gasoline All...
The new volume of the Eisner-nominated series, designed and edited by Chris Ware.This new volume opens amid tough times, as the Depression grinds into its fourth year. Against this setting, a con artist sets up a storefront in town for Continental Co...
Big Bro, an OG from the Mad Stone Gangsta Bloods, strives to make enough money to get out of the drug game and pull his car stealing little brother Drama out of the streets.Not affiliated with a gang, Drama has a crew of his own. But when a few of hi...
SOUTHPAW THE BIG LEAGUE HORROR NOVELTHE WINNING SEASONDominic Lombardi remembers the summer of '63. It was the year he managed the Wolves to the league championship. It was the year they won it all.THE DEADLY SEASONThe summer of '88 is the season it ...