A Breathtaking Space Opera in Six Volumes. After a tragic accident, Perry Rhodan encounters a gigantic spaceship of unknown origin. With a small team of specialists he enters the ship and attempts to unravel its mystery. They discover that the starsh...
Amid crises in politics, climate change, terrorism, and more, humanity’s limited remaining hope lies in science and an increasingly decrepit space program. When a key moon base goes dark, it’s up to chief astronaut Perry Rhodan and his crew to mo...
With Arkonide technology in the hands of the US army, Perry Rhodan and his team mount a dangerous recovery mission. Disguised as the president himself, Rhodan brings alien Thora da Zoltral and telepath John Marshall straight into enemy territory to s...
With alien threats out of the way, a new day dawns for humanity. Tragic revelations are afoot, however, as Crest learns he has very little time left and is driven to resume his search for eternal life. When he travels beyond reach, it’s up to Rhod...