Trenchant wit and a relish for perversity animate this spare burlesque of male chauvinism and repression on the comtemporary London literary scene.... Pitt-Kethley's rapid prose and wicked humor engage and entertain the reader through every stage of ...
Baker's Dozen is the second full-length novel by Fiona Pitt-Kethley. It tells the story of Josua Mann, a modern-day Messiah, born amongst goats in the fishing town of Hastings. What kind of life will the powerful Dozen and his other followers allow h...
The Maiden's Progress is an allegory about the loss of virginity and a woman's search for sex, told totally in double entendres. It was conceived and written when author Fiona Pitt-Kethley was just 19, and a student at the Chelsea School of Art....