Tipsy Marsh is the story of a woman who battles against the odds in a mans worldthe stark, harsh world of the Australian bush in the pioneering gold-mining days. She fights for her children and respectability, haunted by the specter of murder.Born in...
When gold was first discovered in the arid regions of Western Australia it attracted from all parts of the world the rich, the adventuous, the hard-working family man, the characters, the villians, and a miscellaneous array of misfits. Together, they...
Killer Genes, a novel that evokes the harsh environment and rough characters of the Australian outback in the pioneering gold-mining days, is the latest work to emerge from the authors fertile imagination.When the British decided to colonize Australi...
Some Lust, No Trust is about an educated young man drifting through life on the established comfort of his accountant father. This situation suddenly changes when his father fails to return from a fishing trip; and his affectionate-though scatter-bra...
Branigan's son, who had improperly blamed his father for the early death of his mother, had left home as a youth and never returned. At the close of World War II, he is in Italy, seconded by the British, as the sergeant in charge of a demolition squa...
I strongly believe that neither stories nor verse should be written in any choice of words that are beyond the vocabulary of prospective readers.
It is irritating to read fiction with a dictionary by one's side, nor should it be necessary.