From Ferdinand von Schirach, one of Germany’s most prominent defense attorneys, comes a jolting debut collection of short stories that daringly brings to light the motivations stirring within the criminal mind. By turns witty and sorrowful, unflinc...
The internationally bestselling courtroom drama centering on a young German lawyer and a case involving World War II A bestseller in Germany since its 2011 release -- with rights sold in seventeen countries -- The Collini Case combines the classi...
Sebastian von Eschburg, scion of a wealthy, self-destructive family, survived his disastrous childhood to become a celebrated if controversial artist. He casts a provocative shadow over the Berlin scene; his disturbing photographs and installations s...
'Cool, meticulously crafted and mordantly amusing' Irish Times 'A chilling insight into a flawed justice system' Daily Mail A young lawyer puts aside her sense of justice to succeed at her new firm. A man who values silence is driven to murder by hi...
'Marvellously unpredictable . . . by the end of the book you wish it was twice as long' (Daily Telegraph)How does the legacy of a family past shape who we are?Ferdinand von Schirach is one of Germany's most eminent criminal defence lawyers and an in...