In this first installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the pup detectives of Pawston Elementary join forces to solve the crimes happening all around them. Can they nab the lunchtime bandit who’s been stealing all the best snacks from...
In this second installment of the funny and stylish new graphic novel series Pup Detectives, the puppy PIs sniff out a statue thief!Fresh off of their victory in nabbing the lunchtime bandit of Pawston Elementary, Rider Woofson and the rest of the pu...
In this third installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the pup detectives have to collect clues to find their school’s missing mascot before the big game!When the beloved Pawston Elementary School mascot goes missing, Rider Woofson a...
In this fourth installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, it’s up to the pup detectives to sniff out a stolen scroll and stop a curse in its tracks!When the sacred scroll of Bark-Jitsu is stolen during a martial arts expo at Pawston El...
In this fifth installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the pup detectives must save one of their own!There’s a new student at Pawston Elementary named Labra-cadabra-dor, and he has a few magic tricks up his sleeve. When Labra hypnoti...
In this sixth installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the pup detectives dig up the secrets of Mystery Mountain!Rider Woofson and the other pup detectives are excited to be going on a class trip to Mystery Mountain with the rest of Pa...
In this seventh installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the sleuths must foil an art heist!In the world of priceless paintings, one name threatens to huff and puff and steal all the art in Pawston: the Big Bad Woof! With Rider busy wi...
In this eighth installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the sleuths must stop a ghostly saboteur!The local Battle of the Bands gets off to a haunting start as a mystery ghost tries to scare music away from Pawston forever! Can the Pup ...
In this ninth installment of the Pup Detectives graphic novel series, the sleuths investigate a royal visitor with an epic fishing scam!Pawston Elementary has a very special guest: none other than Prince Bubbles, royalty from New Sealand! However, th...