This series is designed to bring to North American readers the once-unheard voices of writers who have achieved wide acclaim at home, but are not recognized beyond the borders of their native lands. With special emphasis on women writers, Interlink's...
With intense emotion and great literary skill, Farnoosh Moshiri has written one of the most moving novels to come out in years. The story begins with the arrest of a seventeen-year-old girl in the early days of the fundamentalist revolution in Iran. ...
In mid-1980s Houston, the lives of three very different people--Madison Kirby, a dying intellectual; social worker Ric Cardinal, tormented by the son he cannot save; and Roya, an Iranian immigrant struggling to build a new life for herself and her da...
Awarded the Black Heron Press Prize for Social Fiction. In the dozen stories in The Crazy Dervish and the Pomegranate Tree, Farnoosh Moshiri combines social and political insight with the mythology of her native Iran. Her earlier books, The Bathhouse...
The Drum Tower is Farnoosh Moshiri's fourth work of fiction concerned with the deleterious effects of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. This novel, told by a mentally ill, 16-year-old girl, depicts the fall of Drum Tower, the house of a famil...
The Hexagonal Garden, at the foot of the Alborz Mountain in Iran is the scene of multiple love stories, murder, and suicide. The time is the early 1950s, and the dark shadow of the American coup d'état falls on the incidents of the novel. The be...