Fiction, newly available from SPD. With the end of apartheid, a new constitution, and a new hope for the future of the country, ordinary South Africans pick up the threads of their day-to-day lives. In these stories, Karodia explores lives and relati...
In a remote corner of South Africa, untouched by 'transformation', is the small town of Vlenterhoek. It is in this backwater that the lives of three returning residents intersect. After a forty-year absence Leah, now a widow, arrives from Canada to v...
Faith's childhood is shattered when she witnesses a massacre in her village in rural Mozambique. She escapes, but loses everything -- her parents, her home, her identity and her voice. A Shattering of Silence charts Faith's quest to find a place for ...
It was relatively common in the days before mass relocation to find solitary Asian traders living and conducting business in the heart of white rural communities. Isolated because of their racial and cultural differences, they built walls around them...