Death of the Republic unfolds in a world that finds America struggling to maintain its dignity while dealing with the crippling effects of an ongoing economic depression. Independent presidential candidate Reverend Robert Strong is making his second ...
Holy American Empire continues the saga begun in Death of the Republic. In the confused aftermath of the US election, paranoia and fear rule the day. Private paramilitary gangs roam the streets. The media are muzzled. The Internet shutdown. Talk of w...
King of Khans is the third book in the Urizen Series featuring former FBI Agent Derrik Chu. Forced to flee America with his family and friends on a small private sailboat destined for China, Chu learns their cargo contains something more important th...
The fourth and final book in the Urizen Series. Follow the amazing adventures of former FBI Agent Derrik Chu and friends as they frantically battle to liberate America from the grip of a fanatical Christian theocracy only to uncover a madman's plot t...
This remarkable story is about a girl - a singularly extraordinary girl - named Meghan O'Byrne. Meghan O'Byrne is special - very special - a healer and prophet in a world that does not believe in such things. Meghan's story unfolds the way it happene...