The billions of people on Earth will never leave its ecosystem, sharing its terminal fate, except for bold emigrants sent to establish colonies on Earth-like worlds. Conflict arises when Earth’s leaders plan to colonize a world inhabited by a decli...
A dark threat to the survival of all humankind looms beyond the horizon of detection by their advanced sensing systems. On his deathbed, visionary prophet Carlos Sepeda tasks his grandson to go counter the dark threat. However, Prophet Sepeda dies be...
Joqi Sepeda and Dawn, a self-aware AI entity, have launched on a priority mission to locate exoplanets suitable for human colonization. Leaving family was heartbreaking, but made necessary by radical, freakish changes to Joqi’s physiology that occu...
Commander Alandi Sepeda is taken captive upon arriving on Earth. Her diplomatic mission to negotiate a trade, exploration and colonization alliance among neighboring sentient species collapses -- Earth’s leaders want the Zilan’s advanced, warp dr...