Set in the haunting landscape of eastern Australia, this is a stunningly accomplished debut novel about the inescapable past: the ineffable ties of family, the wars fought by fathers and sons, and what goes unsaid. After the departure of the woman...
From one of Granta’s Best Young British Novelists, an emotionally powerful, award-winning novel about an outsider haunted by an inescapable past. Jake Whyte has retreated to a remote farmhouse on a craggy British island, a place of ceaseless ra...
This collection of original stories by today’s finest women writers -- including Tracy Chevalier, Francine Prose, Elizabeth McCracken, Tessa Hadley, Audrey Niffenegger, and more -- takes inspiration from the famous line in Charlotte Brontë’s mos...
When she was a little girl, passing her summers in the heat of coastal Australia, Evie Wyld was captivated by sharks -- by their innate ruthlessness, stealth, and immeasurable power -- and they have never released their hold on her imagination. From ...
WINNER OF THE STELLA PRIZEThe lives of three women weave together across centuries in this dazzling new novel. Sarah, accused of being a witch, is fleeing for her life. Ruth, in the aftermath of World War II, is navigating a new marri...
From the award-winning novelist, a ravishing new novel set between London and rural Australia, both a love story and a ghost storyMax didn’t believe in an afterlife. Until he died. Now, as a reluctant ghost trying to work out why he is still here, ...