Set in Paisley, prior to and during the First World War, the story's characters work closely together in the clothing trade, developing close personal friendships and falling in love. Caitlin Lennox, a talented dress designer of 19, progresses from w...
Set on the banks of the Clyde, this is a story of love, loss, and a struggle for rights. Sander Weir dies leaving everything to Morag, the girl he and his wife raised as their own, but his brother Lawrence - Morag's real father - feels cheated of his...
When Jessica Taylor travels to the Scottish Borders to inspect her Rowan Cottage, left to her by her great-aunt, she finds herself confronted by the distinctly unwelcoming Adam Brodie. However, having inherited some of Kate's spirited independence he...
Rachel has always been prepared to put her love life on hold for her career. So it's no surprise when she jets off on an assignment two days before her wedding. Left to break the news, Rachel's sister, soon finds herself falling for her fiance....
Jenny has had her share of troubles during the War, not least the loss of her fiance, Robert. Although not killed in action, he is as dead to her as any sweetheart when he leaves for England and meets another woman. When he unexpectedly returns, her ...
The story of a hopeless romantic in a modern world. Morrin Grey has always been a very traditional girl. But then one night the unthinkable happens, and Morrin lets her feelings take over. Trying to put the memories behind her, she eventually makes a...
The death, a year before, of Weem Lowrie, husband to Jess and father to James, Bethany and Innes, has, in words that the fishing community of Buckie might use, left his wife and children adrift and rudderless. As well as being the head of the family ...
In her search for the truth Karen gradually begins to realise that without even meaning to, she has hurt some of the people closest to her. As a teenager, she ignited her best friend Charlie's envy by commanding the attention of their male friends. L...
Evelyn Hood is the author of many novels, as well as several books and plays for children. This book contains two stories set 200 years apart but with the same theme - "The Silken Thread" and "The Dancing Stone"....
When, after serving in the war, her grandson Joe refuses to return to the small farm his family has managed for three generations, Celia is furious. Her first instinct is to let the farm go, but maybe her oldest grandson, crippled in a rail accident,...
The lives and personalities of all the tenants living the Paisley tenement building in 1941 couldn't be more different, but they are all interconnected. Ellen and Donnie Borland renounced their respective Protestant and Catholic religions to marry fo...
Another superb saga from Sunday Times bestselling author Evelyn Hood. Rachel Carswell is at her father's funeral when she learns she's adopted, news that shakes her formerly serene life to the very core. Confused by the revelation and devas...
As the 20th century matures, the years bring fresh problems for the Lowrie family, first introduced to readers in The Shimmer Of The Herring. James, rejected by his betrayed and embittered wife Stella, has to fight hard to keep his beloved steam drif...
The world collapsed for eight-year-old, red-haired Rowena Lindsay when the pleasure boat Countess Of Eglinton sank on the Paisley canal in 1810. Her mother perished in the disaster and she and her brother Neil were sent to be brought up in the rich h...
Cookery writer Laura Tyler arrives in Prior’s Ford determined to become immersed in village life--and the village drama group’s forthcoming production of The Importance of Being Earnest offers her the perfect opportunity. But Laura has cause to r...
The course of true love never did run smooth, as the Prior’s Ford villagers are beginning to discover. The once-failing Tarbethill Farm is facing a happier future thanks to Alison Greenlees but Ewan McNair doesn’t see himself as the sort of husba...
When Tricia and Derek Borland bring home their baby daughter, their elderly neighbours are more than willing to help the new mother. But their enthusiasm begins to wane when it becomes apparent that Tricia is more interested in going out with her fri...
A story of two sisters set in Greenock, Scotland in the 1870s at the close of the era of the transatlantic clippers.The family’s pride led their father to his tragic death and left the two sisters penniless. There were few opportunities for a young...
A traditional young woman finds herself wrapped up in a thoroughly modern affair in this British romance by the author of Birds in Spring. Morrin Grey has always been a very traditional girl. She isn’t interested in the casual, fly-by-ni...
When gentle Niko's disreputable half-brother Patrick saunters into Sara's life, with the face and apparent morals of a pirate, Sara finds herself torn between adventure and security. And although she discovers that his dreams for the future are unden...