The brutal murder of a nun in a church on Chicago's seedy South Side becomes Detective Vic Perry's latest case, one in which he takes a personal interest since his girlfriend is a witness to the crime...
Plot twists and suspenseful characters mark the story of a professional thief, a booster who is called upon by the mob to do a job that involves avenging a Chicago policeman's murder and breaking into the Sears Tower...
Lano Branka's run of good luck appears to be running out when a union boss turns up dead and Branka makes the mistake of crossing a bookie who just happens to be a member of the mob, in a thriller set against the backdrop of high-stakes gambling in A...
There are two Chicagos: One, a bustling center of commerce, vibrant and alive, with spacious lakeside dwellings for the affluent and comfort able...and the other, a gray and crumbling hotbed of rage and resentment. ...
A brilliant chronicler of life in the urban darkness, Eugene Izzi has crafted an unforgettable novel of men who break the law, men who are broken by it, and those who have to pick up the pieces.
Terry Moran's promising future with the Chicago Polic...
Mark Torrence is a decent man--a dedicated youth counselor; a loving husband and father; a person whose ingrained honesty and integrity is evident in his every action and all his personal dealings. But in a previous New York City life, before he "...