Chronicles Jamie Ray Griffin's transformation from a naive young athlete to college football star at a newly integrated college to hard-driving, cynical adult determined to succeed despite the opposition of whites and the complacency of African Ameri...
From the acclaimed author of Satisfied with Nothin' comes a searing and unsparing story of the unlikely bond between an African-American father and the teenager who killed his son, a tale of violent self-destruction reclaimed by the inexhaustible pow...
An absentee father from a "no good" family, Tyrone Stokes was imprisoned for shooting a man in a convenience store. His wife, Pauline, saw her chance to end their marriage and raise their son, Marcus, on her own. Now Tyrone has returned to Brownsvill...
An ambitious young black man transforms his life with the help of an unexpected ally I this “poignant portrait of a young man at a crossroads” (Booklist). It’s the 1970s and Maurice Dupree is the first person in his family to go to colle...
After a long absence, forty-year-old Felicia Fontenot has returned to her hometown to care for her ailing mother. Nestled in her quaint bedroom in the small, quiet community, Felicia adjusts to her new situation--including that fact that she now live...
In the acclaimed A Life for a Life, Ernest Hill created an unforgettably candid story of violence, love, and redemption with teenaged D-Ray Reid at its center. Now, with his jail time behind him, D-Ray has returned home to find that the real fight fo...